Friday, March 27, 2009

Barry Aldridge Face 2 Face With TEMPHUiBIS

This is the latest interview in the Face 2 Face series.

I interviewed TEMPHUiBIS who have met a couple of times and hes a really cool guy. Now as soon as the NSG interview was done. TEMPHUiBIS asked if he could do an interview with me and I said I was thinking about interviewing him which was great.

Now TEMPHUiBIS suggested to do his end outside which I thought was a really good idea and I think it is. The walking away part at the end was also TEMPHUiBIS and fitted the interview perfectly.

Now the questions were done from my bedroom where I usually do vlogs and I normally do them in my Study but I thought of different scenery but I will probably not do that again.

So future Face 2 Face videos I will do the question stuff in the Study rather than my Bedroom.

I think this is a brillant interview, I dont know who I will interview next so you will have to wait and see.

Oh yeah just on a note I will be doing ten interviews per series/season as I think it is a lot better.

The final one in the series I will not reveal who it is until the video is finally up like the others.

Anyway have a great weekend everyone.



Anonymous said...

a great interview, yet again! temphuibis is also a legend!

Aw3som3sMyMiddleName said...

it was a great interview